Guardians Game
Head downtown with your Campus Life group for our annual pre-game program (faith-based) including a crunch and munch bar, $1 hotdogs and Fireworks!
YFC Camp Oasis
Hosted by Parma Heights Baptist Church (not an overnight camp) Promo Video Register Here
Weekly Meet Up @ Rosati’s
Small group meet up every Monday from June 19 - July 31
Art Musuem Scavenger Hunt
We will meet at the Brooklyn Reformed Church at 11:30pm. Transportation to and from the Museum will be provided. After the Scavenger Hunt we will stop to have some food. For detailed information Call/Text Nick Maroulis @ (216) 470-9053
Art Musuem Scavenger Hunt
We will meet at the Parma Heights Baptist at 12:00pm. Transportation to and from the Museum will be provided. After the Scavenger Hunt we will stop to have some food. For detailed information contact Joanne by calling or texting @ (216) 870-0129
Cleveland Museum of Art Scavenger Hunt
Make sure to bring extra money for food Reach out to Jenny with any questions
Art Museum Scavenger Hunt!
Location: The Cleveland Museum of Art Cost: $ for food Details: We will meet at the Civic Center at 12:30pm. Transportation to and from the Museum will be provided. After the Scavenger Hunt we will stop to have some food (the place is to be determined). We will be back at the Civic Center at 4:30pm. (Parents… Continue reading Art Museum Scavenger Hunt!
Brooklyn – Cleveland Zoo
We will meet at Brooklyn Reformed Church @ 10:00 am. Please pack a brown bag lunch. For detailed information Call/Text Nick Maroulis @ (216) 470-9053
Cleveland Zoo
Location: The Cleveland Zoo Cost: TBD Details: We will meet at the Civic Center at 10:30am. Transportation and brownbag lunch will be provided. We will arrive at the Zoo at around 11:00am and have lunch. We will be back at the Civic Center at 1:30pm. (Parents will drop off and pick up kids at the Civic Center). RSVP… Continue reading Cleveland Zoo