Calendar of Events

Cleveland Zoo

We will meet at Parma Heights Baptist Church @ 10:30am. Please pack a brown bag lunch. For detailed information contact Joanne by calling or texting @ (216) 870-0129

Independence Picnic & Fireworks!

Location: Elmwood Park  Cost: $0  Details: We will meet at Elmwood Park at 7:30pm for a light picnic, games and to watch fireworks! Pick up will be at approximately 10:30 when fireworks end.   (Parents will drop off and pick up kids at the Elmwood Park). 

Cedar Point Outing!

Location: Cedar Point  Cost: TBD plus $ for extra food  Details: We will meet at the Civic Center at 8:30 am. Transportation and Brownbag Lunch will be provided. We will be back at the Civic Center at 9:30pm.   (Parents will drop off and pick up kids at the Civic Center).  RSVP Needed!  Note: Other Campus Life sites will be… Continue reading Cedar Point Outing!

Cedar Point

We will meet at Brooklyn Reformed Church @ 9:00am. Please bring a brown bag lunch. For detailed information Call/Text Nick Maroulis @ (216) 470-9053

Cedar Point

We will meet at Parma Heights Baptist Chruch @ 9:30am. Please bring a brown bag lunch. For detailed information contact Joanne by calling or texting @ (216) 870-0129

Cedar Point

Cost: $45 (if you don't have a season pass) Contact Jenny for more info

Guardians Game!

Location: Progressive Field  Cost: $25 plus $ for food  Details: We will meet at the Civic Center at 6:00pm. Transportation will be provided. The game start at around 7:10pm. Also, there will be fireworks and it will be Dollar Dog Night! We will be back at the Civic Center at around 10:45pm.   (Parents will drop off and pick… Continue reading Guardians Game!